Saturday, March 17, 2007


Got another automated call from them... (514) 693-6415 is what was on the call list...

Just incase you can't find my entry on this company, 10-10-103 is a "no-change" long distance provider.

They do give a phone number (although you have to know to get a pen beforehand, otherwise, it goes by too fast) and a web site. On the web site, you can find find their contact number (currently: 1-866-650-0103). Eventually you can find an "attendant" and ask her to remove your number (at least that's what I did).

Whether this will work or not is a different story...we shall see if this lasts or not.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

(416) 657-2693 (Again)

"Best Priced Movers" just called again. No caller ID (again)...left a phone number (again)... Going to call Bell and ask them how to deal with these people. Will have to do it Monday morning.

Just so everyone knows, they violate several issues from the "Bill of Rights". They're soliciting with an automated device, they don't give an address anywhere in their message OR on the line, and no-one real will answer the phone (as far as I know, that doesn't violate anything, but since they can't give me a confirmation number, you could say it does...).

Sunday, March 04, 2007

(888) 629-2037

Just got this is common lately, just dead air on the other end. I don't know why the phone companies allow these.